Saturday, August 25, 2007

Take action for your own Health




JUST The FAX, Ma'am!

Fact: FDA is trying to eliminate your right to scientifically based health information

Fact: New FDA Guidance on Health Claims ( Evidence-Based Review System for the Scientific Evaluation of Health Claims, Docket 2007D-0125, ) is their current tool to do exactly that

Fact: Public Comment period on this Guidance ends September 7, 2007. Direct e-comments have been blocked by the FDA because The Natural Solutions Foundation was so successful last time around mobilizing 197,000+ e-comments from the entire country!

Fact: FDA's truth-hostile policy is in line with US-led Codex attempt to take away all sources of information on health benefits of foods (including supplements) through the Codex Committee on Food Labeling's (CCFL) distorted definition of "Advertising"

Fact: You have a right to be heard on this issue under the First Amendment which has been confirmed by the US Supreme Court. The FDA is required by law to seek public comments before issuing regulations or guidances. This health and freedom right is under direct attack by the FDA's latest health-hostile guidance.


Fact: You can fax ( ) your comments to the Receiver of Dockets! Click here to send that fax and let the FDA know that you know that the agency is out of control and off track by a wide and deadly margin.

Fact: Ron Paul has introduced a The Health Freedom Protection Act, HR 2117. His excellent bill makes this FDA suppression of truthful, science-based information illegal. It would get at least one important piece of the FDA back under Congressional control. Click here ( ) to urge your Congressmen and women to join Dr. Paul in this effort to protect your freedom of speech and health information.

Fact: The FDA has declared that it will bring Codex to the US, no matter what the US law or regulations allow or prohibit. This is a perfect example of that intention on behalf, in this case, of Big Pharma. Only your concerted action will prevent this illegal stifling of information.

The FDA Does NOT Want to Hear From You.

Too Bad!

OK. Let's fact the facts: The FDA does not really want to hear what you have to say about anything. Your snail mail letters, for example, are not even tallied. According to the Supervisor of the Office of the Receiver of Dockets, they are just stored in the FDA reading room where people can look at them if they want. Your direct email comments are now blocked.

They do, however, want to hear the beautiful sound of huge high ticket "User Funds" hitting the till, the wonderful rustle of a letter saying that a grant proposal has been approved by a drug company, of the welcoming committee showing a former FDA official, now a new drug company executive around his offices which are, of course, much larger than the one he occupied at the FDA last week, of applause at a drug company sponsored "educational seminar" which the very well compensated FDA expert gives for the drug company whose product he is reviewing in the guise of a neutral scientist for FDA approval. They listen really hard for those sounds.

We know that. Consider the FDA's CAM Guidance which could criminalize just about everything Americans do to stay out of the clutches of the illness industry. First they literally hid the fact that they had put out a Guidance on CAM from December 26, 2006 to February 26, 2007. Then they made the public comment period absurdly short for such a massively important topic (only until April 30, 2007). Your comments forced them to extend it, of course. Next they made sure that their submission link for those comments was not working. No link, no comments. No public input.

The Natural Solutions Foundation called the supervisor of the Receiver of Dockets and got another link meaning that the only reliable way to submit comments was through that link. In fact, 588,000+ people tried to use it. Because of various (but predictable) attacks, "ONLY" 197,000+ comments hit the FDA's computer! Not even Washington can ignore that kind of outpouring!

But the bureaucrats who are trying to take away your freedom (and your health, remember) for the benefit of the multinationals are playing a thrust-parry-counter thrust kind of game. The FDA, no longer funded primarily by public funding, but by Big Pharma's "User Fees" (turning it into a client agency of the drug companies) is on the attack again. How can the public trust this agency to oversee food safety?

This time, when they issued their unprecedented third regulatory move hostile to natural health in less than a year they changed the rules: you can no longer submit your comments by email unless you use the FDA link which is, quite predictably, "broken" much of the time. The FDA is trying to block your comments on the very important Guidance on Health Claims. They found a way to prevent your emails and set a ridiculously short time for Public Comment during the summer vacation, no less.

So, We'll FAX Our Comments to the FDA!

And we'll fax ( or ) them by the many hundreds of thousands. And, just to make things better, when you fax through our link, even if the FDA fax runs out paper or they turn them off, the Natural Solutions Foundation has the legal record of the transmission so we can count them or print them out and deliver them if necessary. They can run, but they cannot hide from "Vox Populi", the Voice of the People, YOUR voice!

Reality Check

Faxes cost money. We have never charged for emails because, although each one costs us money to submit, we know that people are used to free emails and did not want to limit a single person from sending out those vitally important communications. So we are asking you to make a tax deductible donation ( or ) to at least cover the cost of the fax (yours and, if you can, the cost of someone else who cannot afford even a dollar).

David and Goliath: Our Collective Pockets vs. "More Money Than God"

You have heard me say it before: the other side has all the money they could possibly need. They get it by marketing illness and profiteering from suffering.

We don't.

They use their money for magnificent, but deceptive, ads to doctors and to you, vast sums of "campaign contributions" and other corrupting inputs of money, huge lobbying budgets, stock options, trips, give away goodies and seminars which are really just slick sales pitches, phony science, control of entire medical school departments through grants, a sales force of drug detail men and women pegged to the physical and sexual preferences of the the doctor being visited (by the way) and a thousand more underhanded and dangerous tricks.

We Use Your Money To:

- Educate. That includes lectures at meetings like the ones listed under "Events" on our website. No one pays our way and no one covers our expenses (often including registration at these events). We hold meetings with Congressional staff and elected representatives. Next week, General Stubblebine, Ralph Fucetola , Charlie Frohman, (our outstanding Legislative Consultant), other knowledgeable people and I will be in Washington DC to bring our health freedom agenda forward for you with decision makers, "influencers" and Congress. When we go to Washington to educate and get the audiences that are so important to the success of this battle, we stand, by the way, firmly on the base provided by your actions, your letters to Congress and your comments to the FDA. The more you have sent, the more of an ear bends toward us.

- Attend Codex and other important meetings.

- Pay for phone bills, internet connection, ink, paper and other similar expenses out of your donations.

- Purchase airline tickets and pay for hotel rooms and means when we go to countries where their leadership is willing to take action to defy the multinational agenda, grow clean food (which will then wind up in your kitchen) and take action on behalf of the health and survival of their people.

- Communicate with US government decision makers who might not be willing to hear what you want them to hear.

- Create materials like " Nutricide: the DVD " ( or ), the Codex eBook ( or ) and our highly informative new video, The Codex Two Step: Codex Options for Pro Health Nations


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