Monday, August 06, 2007

Fight for your right to eat


Codex Alimentarius:
Monstrously Toxic Power Play
for Control of the Global Food Supply
& the Natural Health Industry

Compiled from various sources and edited
by David Klein, B.S., Ph.D.
Editor, Living Nutrition magazine

This prerelease article is from Living Nutrition vol. 20,
due out in November, 2007.

The Codex Alimentarius agenda, long fermenting in the recesses of closed
board rooms and governmental chambers, is now coming to light. It is the
paramount issue of our times. If Codex standards ever replace U.S. food and
food-supplement laws, it will affect everything‹not just Americans' right to
choose supplements, but our right to grow crops with untampered seeds, to
obtain pure organic food from stores and to live free of the tyranny of Big
Agro-Chem-Pharma- Med and health-destructive FDA rules enacted and enforced
by a pro-corporate, anti-health freedom government. For every reason‹the
health of yourself, your family, friends, fellow world citizens, all
creatures, future generations and the survival of the Earth‹we must exercise
our democratic duty and be vigilant.

Please take action now and continue your opposition to Codex via our
legislative channels to prevent the pro-disease industries from seizing the
total power they crave. It's our obligation to tell our Congressional
leaders to stop Codex and promote food and health safety and freedom. At
stake is our right to live healthfully. Remember: it was vehement,
relentless defiance by the founders of our nation which broke the grips of
stifling tyranny and gave us the life we cherish. At this time of mounting
crisis, each of us must expose this clandestine monster and flex our
democratic muscles like never before.

* * *

Scott Tips, Esq. & Paul Anthony Taylor‹www.thenhf. com
The National Health Federation (NHF) is the only health-freedom organization
with recognized status at Codex Alimentarius meetings, which gives it the
right to speak out and submit comments on all Codex actions. As a case in
point, the NHF was the only delegation at the 2005 Codex Alimentarius
Commission meeting in Rome, Italy to speak out against the adoption of the
ridiculously harsh Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplement Guidelines submitted
to the Commission for approval. Founded more than 52 years ago by an array
of health-freedom activists, the NHF is the oldest health-freedom
organization in the world, and has been following Codex issues for more than
10 years.

Codex is not just about nutritional supplements, although that is an
important part. In fact, it is the primary political battlefield where the
war is being waged about who will regulate and control the global food
supply, from field and stable to table. This "war" is being waged by an
increasingly tangled web of global governmental and international
authorities, aligned with big business and financial interests, and, as
such, profit and power are its prime goals‹not human health.

Although American dietary supplements are currently protected ‹somewhat‹by
the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), they are
being outflanked by Codex and an interlocking array of emerging regional and
international treaties, agreements, regulatory ³handshakes² and other
executive arrangements that will "harmonize" our food laws to harsh European
standards, thereby relegating DSHEA to the dust bin of history and
suppressing our health freedoms...unless we take immediate action.

Do we want to see a world where our access to safe, nutritious foods and
effective dietary supplements is restricted, suppressed, and controlled by
government in alliance with its pharmaceutical and chemical partners? If
not, we must act now, before it's too late.

Contacting government bureaucrats with your complaints is largely a waste of
time. Effective action takes the form of informing others and contacting
your representatives in Congress. Remember: be ³persistently
vocal²‹politicians don't see the light; they feel the heat. Make them feel
the heat.

Read full article: http://www.livingnu articles/ codex.html


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